Emotional Journal A Personal Journal to Help You Control Your Emotions THOUGHT PROCESS: “It’s Terrible” When you realize that you’ve eaten more than usual and that our overeating was the result of a disappointment or some other emotional trauma, examine your behaviour as follows: Sequence: a) an external cause b) triggered a thought process c)…Read More
Over the years we have seen that most of our patients initially set themselves up for failure in that the only goal they have in mind is to reach their “ideal weight”. At the same time, others around them have put that expectation on them as well (i.e. their spouse, friends, physicians and society in…Read More
How many times have all of us asked ourselves why we get this uncontrollable urge to eat when we get upset over something (and of course many times we give into this urge)? Numerous patients over the years have asked me the same question. There isn’t a simple answer but, when I am posed with…Read More
I don’t know how many times I have heard patients say, “I wonder why I can’t get my weight under control” or “I can’t figure out why I can’t lose weight”. They then go on to say that they quit smoking, they gave up drinking and that they are successful in most other areas in…Read More
This topic is somewhat of an overlap to previous articles (setting success goals, dimmer switch and coping with a lapse), but setting day to day realistic goals warrants its own discussion. Humans in general and dieters in particular, tend to be perfectionists and as a result try to be perfect all the time. If they…Read More
How often have the following examples happened to you? 1) You’ve lost a lot of weight and suddenly a co-worker brings in donuts to the office. 2) Your husband brings home a box of your favorite chocolates to celebrate your weight loss. 3) Your mom bakes your favorite pie and tells you how great you…Read More
This might come as a surprise to most of you, but the scale is the number one contributing factor for people quitting their weight control efforts. Yet the factor that leads to most failures is the single most important measurement that everyone focuses on. I know in our office that we weigh patients weekly, but…Read More
After an absence from attending our office, many of you are holding back returning because of guilt or embarrassment that you have regained some weight. At our clinic, we are quite aware of this and as a result, we continue to pass on many reassuring ideas that have helped our restart patients deal with much…Read More
How many times have many of you said to yourself –“Here I am 50 pounds overweight-if I had only done something when I was just 20 pounds over”? Obesity over the years has often been described as a disorder, or a disease of procrastination. Why do humans often procrastinate and in particular, why do overweight…Read More
At our clinic we focus on key concepts that have helped many patients gain better control of their weight concerns. We have talked about setting success goals, the “dimmer switch” and in this article we would like to discuss the concept of preventing and coping with a lapse. A lapse is simply a term for…Read More