WALKING FOR YOUR HEALTH, STARTING TODAY! By Frances M. Berg M.S. Make walking a lifetime habit by starting today with a five minute walk. That’s right – just five minutes. It’s enough. Too many people begin with a brisk two-mile walk, and never come back! Walking is an excellent, pleasurable aerobic activity. It can be…Read More
What 30 Minutes a Day can Do Need inspiration to start a fitness program? Explore the many benefits of aerobic exercise, from increased energy and improved stamina to disease prevention. Investing 30 minutes a day in aerobic exercise – such as walking, bicycling or swimming – can help you live longer and healthier. In fact,…Read More
We strongly recommend an exercise program for four reasons. 1. To help you Control Stress Everybody complains that we live in an agitated and stressful world and that we tend to become less active physically the more hectic our lives become. The truth is that physical exercise is the best possible treatment for stress. A great…Read More